Another question: Wouldn't eating someone else's boogers culmunate in canibalism? Is there a scripture against canibalism? I never saw one.
White Dove
JoinedPosts by White Dove
Don't you just hate
by John Doe init when you try to flick a big booger off of your index finger but it's too sticky to come off, and you eventually end up wiping it underneath the seat?
Don't you just hate
by John Doe init when you try to flick a big booger off of your index finger but it's too sticky to come off, and you eventually end up wiping it underneath the seat?
White Dove
Question: Doesn't eating one's boogers result in high blood pressure due to sodium content in said booger?
The New Doom and Gloom Watchtower
by Save My Soul ini am aware of the new magazines that are coming out in january, r & f and public.
was it said that the new magazines would have more doom and gloom?
what was the phrasing used in the description for the r & f wt?.
White Dove
When I was on the inside, every so often I would think about the horrible persecution we JWs would have to go through. You know the kind, torture Nazi style and Inquisition style. That brought to mind the cyanide capsules that spies use for instant death with little pain and no betrayals of secrets or loyalty. I thought that when it comes my time to "stand firm" that I would poison myself some how so I could pass Jehovah's test without much pain. Oh how SICK the society seems to me now! They actually expect their own people to suffer torture for their god! Makes me very angry. Oh, and if you succom under pressure and do what the bad guys want, you get DFd!
Have you ever faked a service report?
by Orgull init's only my third day here so, go easy on me.
lol.. seriously, my new doubts have made it harder and harder to go in service.
a few months ago, when a new month rolled around, i realized that i hadn't actually gone in service at all the previous month.
White Dove
I remember the first time that I purposely skipped a meeting. I dropped off my teenagers at the hall and went to Michael's craft store. While I was there looking in the knitting section and happily picking out needles and yarn, I felt giddy at the freedom that I was experiencing. You see, at that time on that day, I used to be shackled to my khall seat while fighting sleep. Now, I was FREE, doing what everyone else on the planet was free to do: shop for knitting supplies during meeting times. Of course, my kids had the freedom to choose if they wanted to go or not. For a while, they chose to go, but that didn't last long.
Have you ever faked a service report?
by Orgull init's only my third day here so, go easy on me.
lol.. seriously, my new doubts have made it harder and harder to go in service.
a few months ago, when a new month rolled around, i realized that i hadn't actually gone in service at all the previous month.
White Dove
You know, the national average for the U.S. has been 11 hours for my entire life, it seems. Has it changed at all, ever?
Have you ever faked a service report?
by Orgull init's only my third day here so, go easy on me.
lol.. seriously, my new doubts have made it harder and harder to go in service.
a few months ago, when a new month rolled around, i realized that i hadn't actually gone in service at all the previous month.
White Dove
Oh yeah! It was the only way to look better than I really was. And, appearances are EVERYTHING, after all. It's that thing about appearances and not getting hounded by the leadership that makes people do this. So, you might say, they MADE us do it!
Showing Concern for Posters we Haven't Heard Lately.Do You Know Some?
by flipper inmrs. flipper and i were talking about this today.
since our dear friend core 88 has been feeling downhearted, my wife and i thought who else have we not heard from lately that could use some acknowledgement to let them know we all are thinking about them?
can you folks think of some posters who might be down or need to be helped to see they are needed or cared about when we don't hear from them?
White Dove
What happened to Kenny? Wasn't he a poster here earlier this year?
by Terry in....spelling errors on the topic headers?.
how much effort does it take to check your spelling before you post a topic??.
just read over some of the topics up for discussion right now and you'll see a very shocking (to me, at least) disregard for accuracy.. if you can't trouble yourself to get your spelling right how are the rest of us going to respect the fact you have your reasoning right either??.
White Dove
Not to be rude or anything, but might you be just a little OCD? I know what you mean and agree with you, to a point. But, you seem actually inscensed (spell?) by the inaccuracies (spell?). Grab a or and relax!
More new changes - 30 min public talks
by The Lone Ranger ini'm not sure if this is old news to you guys but i just heard that the wts is now giving 30mins public talks instead of 45mins public talks.
this new arrangement is starting on jan 2008. i think the wts has seen that the r&f has had enought of all these meetings and is trying to wind them down without it looking like they are giving in.
White Dove
Wise beyond your 7 1/2 years, Lone Ranger!
They Actually Said it!- A rant Brought to you By sw29
by saywhat29 incan't quote word for word, but at the dc this friday, the last talk given, the speaker actually said "not to question the faithful and discreet slave" and everybody around me was eating it up like it was cake.
my insides were churning when that guy said that crap.. and the funny thing is that if i hadn't been reading this board, reading the evilomg!
apostate literature they 'warned' us not to, then i would have been feeling guilty for my doubt, for my lack of faith, for being different, and all the rest of that crap.
White Dove
I would have to go back to the 1930's to stop my great grandmother from answering the door. Yes, I too have thought about what a fall down concrete steps would feel like. I used to get nervous climbing down them.